


Your lawn has three layers: the roots below the soil, the green grass above ground, and in the middle, a layer of thatch that is composed of leaves, stems, and roots. This thatch material is natural, and it’s healthy in moderation. But, a thick layer of thatch can prevent air, water, and nutrients from reaching grass’s roots.  Excess thatch also provides a fertile area and protection for lawn pests and disease.

A lawn that needs dethatching feels spongy and bouncy to the touch. Take a close look at the grass. Can you see a layer of growth between the green shoots and roots? If so, is the thatch loose enough to penetrate with your finger, or is it thick and tough, creating a barrier between the grass blades and soil?  As a rule of thumb, we recommend dethatching when the thatch is thicker than three-quarters of an inch.

Dethatching is site-specific and performed only when needed. The dethatching process will provide some minor short term damage to your lawn in order to improve the longer-term health.

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